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Usor:Xaverius/Disputatio ad II-2010

E Vicipaedia

Salve[recensere | fontem recensere]

Quid Agis? Latine gaudium...

Bandit V.

La, La-2[recensere | fontem recensere]

Quid est "la" et "la-2" in babelia declarant? Quomodo eos emeritus es?

Gratias iterum tibi! Satisfacio ob assidua errata obliviscendi signandi mea! --CeleritasSoni 23:29, 28 Ianuarii 2009 (UTC)

Mi Magister[recensere | fontem recensere]

Gratias tibi dare ob me corrigendum identidem volo. =) Gratissimus sum! Forsan ero bonus usor sicut tu....demum. Iterum, gratias tibi do! --CeleritasSoni 23:29, 28 Ianuarii 2009 (UTC)

gratiās[recensere | fontem recensere]

Gratiās tibi, amice, quia rectificauit errorem meum. Vis sermonum hic non est mihi clarus (ut 'recensiō'), nuncque videō sermō meus latinus robiginosus'st ; ). Vale! Diespiter 01:01, 6 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

How to say "Spain" in Latin?[recensere | fontem recensere]

I have seen you declare yourself as "defensor historiae Hispaniae". I have a doubt, how to say "Spain" in Latin? I have thought you may be able to answer my question. If you say "Hispania" (a Roman province) you include Spain and Portugal, and if say you live "in capite Hispaniae", referring to Madrid, you can offend Portuguese people, because "Lusitania" (actually Portugal) was a part of the Roman Hispania. The term for "state" in Latin is "Res publica", but you can translate this word as "Republic" and Spain is not a republic, so Portugal, which would be "Res publica hispana", but not Spain. I have thought the more correct term to refer to Spain is "Regnum Hispanum", because Portugal is not a kingdom, but a republic, so we wouldn't offend Portuguese people. Only an opinion. Regards.--Imtoo 15:45, 7 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Si me permites, respondo en castellano. Primero, el cartelito ese no me lo he puesto yo, me lo han puesto los compañeros aquí - es uno de los premios que damos aquí a la gente cuando colaboran bien y bastante sobre un tema (puedes verlo en Vicipaedia:Praemia Vicipaedianis). Segundo, sobre Hispania/España. Sé muy bien que Hispania no es lo que hoy es España, pero por convenio se usa lo uno por lo otro: eso no lo he inventado yo. En ese sentido, si dices Hispania, no incluyes necesariamente a Portugal. Por otro lado, la Lusitania romana no se corresponde con el Portugal actual, porque incluye Salamanca y la Extremadura española pero no el Portugal al norte del Duero. Portugal tiene un nombre latino medieval (Portugallia o Portucale) que puede usarse en sustitución, pero España, (que como surge en 1714) no. Desde la unión dinástica se vino usando Hispaniarum rex y títulos así, pero no España. En cuanto a "estado", no sé porqué habría que usar "estado", pero en cualquier caso, en la tradición latina alto-medieval y moderna, "estado" se puede traducir también por civitas - en ese caso se podría decir Civitas Hispaniae, Hispanica o como fuere. Pero nos volveríamos a tu punto de si Hispania y España no son lo mismo. Al final, es por consenso que digamos Hispania, Lusitania o incluso Germania, Graecia y Africa cuando los referentes romanos no se corresponden con su "traducción" actual. espero haber respondido y no haberme ido por una tangente. --Xaverius 17:09, 7 Februarii 2009 (UTC)
Hispania for modern Spain is attested in latin as late as the 1800's. eg. See Hofmann's Lexicon. Country borders and names do all sorts of things over time. If in writing there is an ambiguity in a given context be more specific "Hispania provincia" or "Hispania civitas"--Rafaelgarcia 17:47, 7 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Quies[recensere | fontem recensere]

Quietem cape! Tempus erit ad addenda et corrigenda apud novam paginam Viriathi. Miror de opere tuo diligenti.Valeas.--Imtoo 10:09, 13 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Additiones parvulas feci nocte - admirationem tuam non mereor. Solum nexus intervicos et caeruleos addidi, minime feci.--Xaverius 10:29, 13 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Gratias reddo. Blood Omen 2 prima pagina mea erat...[recensere | fontem recensere]

Gratias, Xaverie, de auxilio tuo. Volebam aliquid scribere de Blood Omen 2 (enim magni facio videoluda computatralia), sed numquam antea scripseram in hac aut altera encyclopedia, qua de causa imperitus adhuc sum...spero me meliorem esse tempo currente. Nondum bene cognosco nexus et formas Vicipaediae, et auxilium mihi oportet. Dubium habeo: si volo imagines de Blood Omen 2 immittere in paginam, ad melium explicandum ludum, possum aut Ius commercialis de Eidos Interactive me vetat id facere? Spero te mihi responsum dare. Gratias plurimas reddo! Vale

19 02 2009 h. 17:10. Poecus
Pagina tua grata sit, sed eam scribe sicut normae nostrae. Tibi oportet has paginas legere:
  1. Vicipaedia:De recensendo
  2. Vicipaedia:Structura paginae
  3. Vicipaedia:De orthographia
  4. fortasse Vicipaedia:Categoria
De imaginibus, UV noster peritus est. Ei auxilium pete.
Tandem, commentationes tuas signa semper cum --~~~~, et semper potes apud tabernam nostram rogationes et dubia scribere.
--Xaverius 19:47, 19 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

IP desconocida[recensere | fontem recensere]

El cartelito que has puesto en la IP desconocida es mío, y me muevo con esta IP para pasar desapercibido, ya que uno tiene una profesión pública y una página en latín es más minoritaria que crear nexos con otras wikipedias con acceso para consultantes de la área de residencia. Considero que la página del partido socialista portugués no responde al ideario del partido y que hay una intención denigratoria. Vamos, así lo creo yo.--Imtoo 16:28, 24 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Ya me he dado cuenta del contenido de la página... Cuando quieras que una página sea borrada, sólo tienes que añadir {{delenda}} en la página principaln (no en la discusión). También, si no hay un motivo obvio (tipo vandalismo), deberías poner una pequeña nota en la discusión sobre las razones. De momento, la página está marcada como {{non stipula}}, porque es una página que sería útil aunque el contenido no lo sea. Si en unos días el autor no mejor la página, será borrada. Si crees que la página no va a ir a mejor en un futuro inmediato, eres libre de cambiar la plantilla de non-stipula a la de delenda.--Xaverius 16:36, 24 Februarii 2009 (UTC)

Ayuda documento[recensere | fontem recensere]

Hola xaverius, soy Truor de la wikipedia en castellano, hace tiempo estuvimos en contacto tratando sobre el nombre latino de Fernán gonzález, no se si te acordaras. Tengo un documento en latin del año 940 y debido a mi pesimo conocimiento de latin (no recuerdo mucho de las clases) me pierdo un poco, ¿me lo traducirias en la medida de lo posible si te adjunto el documento?. Saludos --Truor 20:21, 31 Martii 2009 (UTC)

Sí, ya me acuerdo. Pásamelo y veremos qué se puede hacer. Un saludo --Xaverius 15:06, 1 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Ok, el documento es el de dotacion del monasterio de San Román de Entrepeñas de Diego Muñoz, no te voy a copiar la calendación y los confirmantes para no agrandar el ladrillo, si no te decides a traducirlo lo comprendere ya que el documento es largo.

---"In nomine Sce. et individue Trinitatis. Ego Didaco Monniz una pariter cum conjuge mea Tegridia, inspirante divina misericordia in cordibus nostris, hac premeditantes futuram et debitam condicione martis humane, studuimus has baselicas restaurare, ampliare et dotare, pro remedio animarum nostrarum, qualiter in judici diem Chritus venturus exerceuerit nos pro hoc licet indigni ab auditu malo liberemini. In Dei nomine et in Christi amore et ste. Ecclesie perpetuali honore offerimus tibi, Lecenio abba, hac loco Sancti Romani, videlicet et S. Salvotoris et Ste Marie Virginis et S. Felicis Nolensis, Sti Johannis Apostoli et Evangeliste, Ste Leocadie, Sti. Tome Apli., Ste. Eolalie, Sti. Johanis Batista, quorum reliquie humata ex istunt in rivulo, que vocitant Berbecario. Licet primordia bonorum operum, que Deo inspirante in mente gignitur... ideo litamus sanctis sacris altaribus vestris, pro sustentatione monocorum in domo vestra degentium, vel cunctorum ibidem advenientium, in primis ipsum locum, in quo baselica sita est cum omnibus adjacentiis suis,... et de parte occidentis strata que discurrit ad castellum cuncta delimitata jure perheni...; ecclesiam Sti. Quirici cum domibus, pumariis, pratis, ortis, palacis et defesis... alia ecclesia... sita suburbio Domnas, que vocitant Sti. Jacobi per via que discurrit a val de Dominas cum suo monte, et de alia parte de lacuna de Rodrigo... Concedimus alia... vinea de illa comitissa... alia ecclesia vocabulo Sti. Johannis... et alia ecclesia in locum predictum Arconata, Ste. Marie... perhenniter manere precepimus, et ut vires eis ministraverint edificare, plantare, procurare non desinant. Tamen monemus ut tam ipse supranominatus abba seu futurus qui post eum in loco ejus succeserit, votum hoc nostrum qualibet tepida conversatione audeat debitare... qui post felicissimis temporibus nostris succeserint subolis regnum dabitur... Item obsecramus tam abbates quam ceteris qui ibidem advenerint fratres ut pro sospitate nostra vel incolumitate regni orare non desinant."---

Saludos --Truor 16:42, 1 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Hola Xaverius, ¿que tal llevas la traducción? si te surge alguna duda con algun toponimo como el de Domnas-Dominas (Dueñas) dime, o si simplemente te has cansado de tanta traducción no dudes en hacermelo saber, que comprendería perfectamente si dejaras de traducir. Saludos --Truor 13:06, 16 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

La llevo bien, lo que pasa es qeu no tengo mucho tiempo libre últimamente para estar por la wiki. Lo de Dueñas ya me lo había imaginado, lo que no estoy seguro es lo del arroyo Berbecario este, pero bueno, se hará lo que se pueda--Xaverius 05:41, 17 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Ok, tranquilo no tengo prisa, lo de Berbecario esta bien traducido es como llamaban al hoy conocido arroyo de San Román, Saludos --Truor 15:01, 17 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Veamos a ver que sale, porque es un latín un poco raro, no lo haré todo de una, así qeu espera a que lo termine, porque estoy algo ocupado estos días...--Xaverius 13:31, 2 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
En el nombre de la santa e indivisible Trinidad. Yo Diego Muñoz ... con mi cónyuge Tegridia, con la divina misericordia inspirando nuestros corazones, ... , consideramos restaurar estas basílicas, ampliar(las) y hacerlas donaciones por la salvacion de nuestras almas, y así en el día del juicio Cristo, el que vendrá, nos juzgará/salvará por aquello, permita librarnos del mal juicio (?). En el nombre de Dios y en el amor de Cristo y al perpetuo honor de la Santa Iglesia te damos, Abad Lecenio, en este lugar de san Romano, tambien conocido como de San Salvador y Sta. Maria Virgen y s. Felix de Nola, S. Juan Apostol y Evangelista [sic], Sta. Leocadia, Sto. Tomás Apostol, Sta. Eulalia, S. Juan Bautista, de quienes los restos enterrados existen en el arroyo (rivulo - ?), el cual llaman Berbecario. Permitiendose los comienzos de las obras de los buenos, las cuales inspiradas por Dios surgen/nacen en la mente [...] Por lo tanto llevemos a vuestros santos y sagrados altares, por que continúa la manutencion de los monjes en vuestra casa

Vicipædia[recensere | fontem recensere]

I just wanted to know if the latin wikipedia is written in Vulgar or Classical Latin? And can you respond on my talk page? Insectapuer52.4 13:45, 5 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, I used insecta becuase more people(who speak english) would know what it meant, and I really don't speak latin, but I have been trying to learn it, so if I do make edits, I might ask you, or someone else to check for grammatical mistakes. And I thought insecta was singular, and insectorum would be ploral, see Insecta, the first line. insectumpuer 18:11, 6 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
No problem. If you start an article, you should use then the {{tiro}} template to indicate that you are learning latin, and also check our Scriptorium. About insecta, it is a plurale tantum (as it is indicated by the "plur." there), so it's used in the plural normally; the -orum ending us just the plural neutre genitive.--Xaverius 19:12, 6 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
As a rule, the lemmata of dictionaries & encyclopedias worldwide are singular in form, with definitions to match; however, in the case of Insecta, the lemma is a scientific term, which happens to be plural in form, and Vicipaedia has to respect that. The article is—or should be—about the Linnaean conceptual notion. An article about insects in general (apart from their scientific classification, if such a thing were possible) might have been Insectum. A single insect, of course, remains an insectum, a neuter form of a past participle, which basically means 'an in-cut thing'. IacobusAmor 19:24, 6 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Are the two sentences correct in anyway, Grammar/Vocabulary?
  • Unus lucidus dies in medium ab nocem.
  • Conservas tui oculi in premium.
And I don't have dictionary, but I do plan on getting one though. insectumpuer 16:14, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
A dictionary is handy, and studying Latin will be handy too! You can't translate into any other language just by transferring individual words: that's why software programs can't do it. I think I recognize "One fine day in the middle of the night ...". In Latin you might say "Die quodam aprico, media nocte ..." (or see what someone else suggests). It has to be e.g. "quodam" because the English "one" here is not being used in counting, it means "a certain unspecified day". Latin "unus" isn't commonly used like that. It has to be "media nocte" because "medius" in Latin is normally used as an adjective.
I don't understand your second sentence. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:00, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
"Keep your eye on the prize." (But all the words except in need work.) IacobusAmor 18:34, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Oh, well, I cannot really disagree here, can I? There are several online dictionaries available, and also pages with grammar basics. We were planning to do a sort of course in our Learning portal, but we never got to really do it...--Xaverius 20:27, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
PD: Plus, do not use ligatures when writing in our vici, they were only osed to save space and look pretty on monuments, they were not letters per se, se we do avoid them here--Xaverius 20:28, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Soory, I got distracted, anyways...

I tried to say Keep your eyes on the prize, and why can't you use lucidius, or something more seemingly related to be bright, as i remember it as being

One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A death policeman heard the noise,
And went to save the two dead boys.
If you don't believe this story is true,
Ask the blind man, he saw it too.

And I have been trying to translate it...

Die quodam nitidum, media nocte,
Pueri duo mortui surrexerunt pugnare.
Dorsum ad dorsum, (don't know how to say face, as in to face) invicem,
Educaverunt sui gladii et (I don't know how to say shot, because the gun is obviously a new innovation)invicem.
(Policeman) surdus audivit sonitum, 
Et iit servare duo pueri mortui.
Si non credo hanc fabula fidelem est,
Quaeras vir caecus, is vidit id quoque.

Insectumpuer 21:51, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

Maybe Conservas tui oculi ab premium. or Servas tui oculi ab premium. might be better, and all this translation I have been doing is just a way to help me learn Latin Insectumpuer 21:57, 10 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

And it's a very good way to do it. You can also do it the other way round: read some Latin and try to turn it into English. That way you see a bit more of how the language works, and you're not always reinventing it!
Sorry, Xaveri, for intruding on your talk page once more ... :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:32, 11 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
No need for apologies, research in Rome seems to keep me away from constant contributions here, and some action and debate on my pages is most welcome--Xaverius 09:59, 11 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Is the translation correct, if not can someone fix it?
Suggestion for first two lines:
Die quodam spledente, media nocte,
Duo pueri mortui surrexerunt ad pugnandum.
because bright must mean more about being happy than bright, given that it is night, and since "to fight" describes the purpose.--Rafaelgarcia 14:07, 11 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Your logic depends on this not being a nonsense poem! But that's what it is. Each line contains an impossibility. So "bright day" is there precisely because it conflicts with "in the middle of the night". That's why I preferred "apricus", which is the most precise adjective for a bright sunny day. To keep the translation of a piece of nonsense reasonably brief, you have to go all out for precision! However, if a poet (e.g. Bugboy) wants to use lucidus in this sense, it would work, I think. And, yes, "splendens" is also OK, surely, because that's what the sun does. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:00, 12 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
But how do you say shot, beacuse I can't find any dictionaries online with that word? And it has to only man bright, because the the poem is made of inconsistencies. Insectumpuer 14:21, 11 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
Translate the idea, not the word: the idea of 'to cast (something) at someone and hit him' is (telo, sagittā, etc.) ferire, so that would regularly get you glandibus feriverunt 'they shot with bullets', except that one of my dictionaries says ferire has no perfect or supine. Now what are you going to do with 'each other'? IacobusAmor 15:12, 11 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
What do you mean? Insectumpuer 02:55, 12 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)
For the third line, "face" is the crucial verb because it's got to be something they can't do when they are back to back. My dictionary suggests "spectare" to me: a possibility is "tergiversati se spectaverunt" or "tergis versis se spectaverunt". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:00, 12 Aprilis 2009 (UTC)

2 questions[recensere | fontem recensere]

  1. You proposed moving Categoria:Sina to Categoria:Sinae. You're right that it needs to move, but I am thinking of moving to Categoria:Serica because Sinae is in origin the name of a people: so we might want it, one day, for "Category:Chinese people" as distinct from "Category:China". What do you think?
  2. Did you just delete your work on Archaeologia Europaea? Or maybe you just moved it somewhere else? I'm sorry I hadn't got round to contributing, but it was too good to lose, wasn't it? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:30, 19 Maii 2009 (UTC)

Re 1: Sinae are the Chinese people, and so are the Seres, while Serica is the country of China, the land of the silk and of the Seres. If we are to use Serica, maybe Seres is more adequate than Sinae when referring to the people?
Re 2: I did delete it, because it was largely empty, without any interwiki links and hardly any nexus caeruleus to it; it was only a list of categories that I should write at some poiny
--Xaverius 13:47, 19 Maii 2009 (UTC)

Fine -- your choice of course! For some reason I had thought there was more text in it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:50, 19 Maii 2009 (UTC)

Stella constantiae[recensere | fontem recensere]

Gratias tibi, Xaveri, ago ob stellam constantiae mihi propositam! --Fabullus 18:00, 31 Maii 2009 (UTC)

Suffixum[recensere | fontem recensere]

Tibi respondi in pagina disputationis mea. --Fabullus 10:57, 4 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

Salve! Vide responsum meum in taberna. --Frater Carmona Valviensis 14:24, 4 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

De Libro prosopographico[recensere | fontem recensere]

Alexander sal. Xaverio. Tibi gratias plurimas ago, Xaverie, iam inter Vicipedianos Libri prosopographici sum! Si vis, me invenire potes in nomine "Alessandro Gelsumini". Ave atque vale, amice. --Alexander Gelsumis 08:55, 8 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

Patres Albi[recensere | fontem recensere]

Vale, carissime Xaveri, quomodo te habeas? Por favo, puedes visitar esta pagina nueva, que tiengo criado, porque mo Longua Latina es terrible. Yà tiengo avisado otros amigos, mas ninguna persona la visita. Por favor, me ajuda?

Tibi gratias ago

Rex Momo 07:22, 9 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

Parvulas emmendationes feci, Rex. Nunc puto latinitatem paginae bonam esse.--Xaverius 08:20, 9 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

Re:De Magister[recensere | fontem recensere]

Primero que nada gracias por responder mi mensaje. En cuanto a tu pregunta, es una pregunta vaga, lo que pasa es que aprendí latin de autodidacta a partir de dos libros de poemas y los anpéndices de un diccionario Latín-Inglés. Puedo traducir y entender el latín escrito, pero me falla mucho al redactarlo, considero a que es debido a que mi lengua materna al ser el español, relaciono cosas que no corresponden correctamente al latín. Por lo que si me pudieras ayudar a mejorar mi redacción en latín te lo agradecería mucho.--Bellum: En español/In Latina/In English/No Português 20:47, 19 Iunii 2009 (UTC)

Quomodo "Zaragoza" latine vertere?[recensere | fontem recensere]

Potes mihi prodesse? Est iam nomen latinum quod "Zaragoza" vel "Saragossa" designat, aut id ex novo fieri oportet? --Poecus 20:50, 7 Iulii 2009 (UTC)

Iam illum responsum dedi. Cato censor 21:11, 7 Iulii 2009 (UTC)
Nomen est Caesaraugusta, sed Cato noster iam respondit--Xaverius 16:17, 19 Iulii 2009 (UTC)

euskera[recensere | fontem recensere]

Hey Xavi, I just noticed the links you sent me for Basque lessons. Thanks a lot. And I guess you didn't even know, but the guy has recently done an English version of the same course. Where are you these days? Back in Spain? Still in England? Cheers. --Ioscius (disp) 21:00, 15 Iulii 2009 (UTC)

Hi! I'm currently excavating in Calpe (Lucentum) and Hifac, a medieval town dated to the 13th c. I'll be going to Maiorica this week to excavate a Bronze age rural settlement - so I'll be ablñe to practice my catalan in all these excavations. I'm glad to see that the basque course is useful. Gaur euskaraz esaidazu, mutila! Gero arte--Xaverius 16:19, 19 Iulii 2009 (UTC)

Lingua Legionica[recensere | fontem recensere]

If you are around, Xaveri, keep an eye on this and its disputatio page. We were having an edit war (on Vicipaedia! Can you imagine?). Since the page is in bad Latin anyway, I removed the disputed details completely, protected the page (magistrates only) and invited discussion on the talk page. I didn't block anyone. I'm away for the next week, so if anything needs adding back on to the page, or if anyone does have to be blocked, the task might fall to you ... Hope that's OK! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:03, 8 Septembris 2009 (UTC)

Thank you Andrew. I'll keep an eye on it. The dispute between "llïonés" and "llionés" and 80 000 (?!) speakers v. 25 000 just seems to confirm my own thoughts about Leonese not being a language, but the remains of old Leonese Romance mixed with Castillian. Don't worry, I'll open a discussion in the disputatio.--Xaverius 21:30, 8 Septembris 2009 (UTC)

Consalvus rursus Xaverio suo s. p. d.[recensere | fontem recensere]

Salvus sis, exoptate amice! Iam nuper (sub Gundisalvo nomine, Quintus Sectanus tantum nomen est usoris, Consalvum autem appellari malo apud Latinitatis cultores nam sic habeor apud circulum latinum matritensem atque aliis in locis) me libenter excepisti sed variis de causis laborem hic meam producere nequii. Nunc autem magis tempus est mihi ad hoc opus curandum et grates ago de Hispaniae porta nam multa sunt facienda. Adsum praesertim ut de auctoribus neolatinis, antiquis et rebus similibus scribam atqui dicere nolo me numquam scripturum ad ianuam Hispaniae... nam poenas dabo! Vale etiam atque etiam atque cura, ut vir sis. Consalvus 18:02, 10 Septembris 2009 (UTC)

Teminación en -a[recensere | fontem recensere]

Oso ondo esan duzu. Sí, tienes que poner la -a. Ya lo he cambiado yo (vaya, mi primera aportación a wiki:la).--Assar 22:18, 30 Octobris 2009 (UTC)

Sausages and garlic[recensere | fontem recensere]

I've answered on my talk page now, Xaveri. Sorry about the delay! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:45, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

What's happened at Allium? All the history is at the redirect Allium (genus), but the real page is at Allium! Are you in the middle of something? If so, ignore me and continue ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:52, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Re:Sausages - I'll read it now!
Re:Allium - Allium (genus) had the {{delenda}} template, and it seemed to me as if both Allium and Allium (genus) had the same information, so I turned it into a redirect. On a second thought, maybe it had been better to keep Allium (genus) and redirecting Allium to true garlic?--Xaverius 14:10, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Ah, I see. This is one of the messes that Iacobus has been making (see talk at Disputatio:Cypros (planta). Take great care. I am still finding others. If you touch these again you may have to look at the history, try to find out what he has copy-pasted, and undo his work. The {{Delenda}} template was a bit of misinformation.
But please don't ever remove text when your real intention is to move. I saw another of yours like that the other day. Can you remember which it might have been? I'm trying to recall ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:31, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
I solved this query. It was Amaranthus blitum, and it's OK now! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:36, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Sorry for that. I can't remember now either. What to do then? Delete and create the page again as a new redirect? or simply move it to the page which already exists?--Xaverius 14:38, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Don't worry. I think I've got the Allium thing right now. By all means verify this for yourself! The page Allium had no significant history, so I "copied" the text of it (trusting that it contained Iacobus's latest version: his pages are good!) and "pasted" it into Allium (genus) -- reversing what he had done, I guess. Then I turned Allium into a discretiva. So no deletion necessary for the present. If he still isn't happy with that, I'm sure he'll say so.
Nice series of new pages on Spanish cuisine ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:56, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for sorting out the allium thing. I was thinking of continuing them into several other regions (esp. Gastronomia Asturica, Gastronomia Valentiana and Gastronomia Gallaecica). I was feeling homesick when I begun them, I must say!--Xaverius 16:24, 11 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Please do more of them, though they're making me hungry. IacobusAmor 20:28, 17 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
I will then, thanks for the encouragement!--Xaverius 21:28, 17 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

De Gallio[recensere | fontem recensere]

Grates te ago, Xaverie, tuo nuntio! --Gallius 19:53, 17 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

Miki placet! Gratus sis apud nos--Xaverius 19:57, 17 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
etiam, recte dicamus gratias tibi ago, Xaveri, ob tuum nuntium :)

Deleting a redirect[recensere | fontem recensere]

Hi, Xaveri. I answered on my talk page! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:04, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, I'v already done the change!--Xaverius 13:05, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
I take it you're confident about the change? The English page (I haven't read all of it, admittedly) says that he was duke, and was father of the first crowned king. Maybe that is what Poznaniak was getting at? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:07, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
You seem to have done it wrong again. If you look, you will see that all the history is at "dux" but the page is at "rex". In ten minutes I'm going to revert you. Then look again at my instructions, and follow them to the letter. Don't be tempted to use copy-and-paste. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:15, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
I've reverted you now. If you're sure about the move, look at my talk page again -- I've rewritten it more clearly, I think -- and try it step by step! (I hope I've got it right, after all this!) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:26, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
You did it :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:07, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Thanks! I now know how it really works--Xaverius 14:53, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

Mieszko I[recensere | fontem recensere]

Mieszko I was dux Poloniae. The first rex Poloniae was Bolesław I Chrobry crowned in 1025. Poznaniak 15:53, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

Unless Poland was a duchy before, he was not dux Poloniae, but dux Polanorum (leader or prince of the Polanes rather than duke of Poland). All clear now, it is similar to Pelagius (dux Asturum) and his successors such as Ranimirus I (rex Asturorum). Do you agree then to move it to Miecislaus I (dux Polanorum)?--Xaverius 16:27, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)
Ok. Poznaniak 16:50, 29 Novembris 2009 (UTC)

Santa Compaña[recensere | fontem recensere]

Buenas noches Xaverius ! De parte del usuario Lameiro de la WP en gallego : A Santa Compaña (graffiti). Salud Elvire 03:06, 6 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

Carlomannus[recensere | fontem recensere]

Salve, Xaveri! I still find the following pages: Carolmannus I (rex Austrasiae) - (Redirectum de Carolomanus I) Carolmannus I (rex Austrasiae) - (Redirectum de Carolmanus I) These, too, should be changed to "Carlomannus". Thanks,--Utilo 23:32, 7 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

Feci!--Xaverius 00:01, 8 Decembris 2009 (UTC)
gratias tibi ago; plura emendavi in pagina "Carlomannus I"; pagina "Carolomanus I (rex Austrasiae)" cum redirectione nunc delenda est! Vale!--Utilo 09:34, 8 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

De signo addito[recensere | fontem recensere]

Gratulor tibi, mi Xaveri, quod me pro tua benevolentia de hoc usu Vicipediano certiorem facere dignatus es, deleas igitur quod est delendum, struas quod est struendum, removeas quod est removendum et addas quod est addendum! Valeas quoque. --Bruxellensis 14:52, 11 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

conventum gentium de opio[recensere | fontem recensere]

Hahahae. Tantum tres paginae nectunt ad Conventum gentium de opio. Scio ubi legebas =] --Ioscius (disp) 23:13, 30 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

Fortasse paginam mensis futuram legebam!--Xaverius 12:36, 31 Decembris 2009 (UTC)

De Iano pagina mensis.[recensere | fontem recensere]

Marcus Xaverio s.p.d. Happy new year ! I've just got your mail and i'm very proud of your choice. I shall read this page again to improve it if I can but I think, as far as what I have written is concerned, it is rather a good choice. I was very interested in the subject and gathered a lot of information. Perhaps the presentation can be improved. Thank you very much. Marcus Terentius Bibliophilus 16:29, 4 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

Claro que sim[recensere | fontem recensere]

Olà, mi querido amigo, como estas? Jà tiengo hablado de telefone com Helveticus Montanus, e se posso fazer algo, estoy aqui. Tiengo una queridissima amiga que es Arqueologa, e programa visitas en Roma. Una linda es de la Basilica de Santa Maria en Cosmedin con suas grutas, hasta el Altar de la Patria, tudo à piès. Elle se llama Cristina, si quieres tb contactarla, su Site es http://www.passeggiandoperroma.com/ Puedes dizer que es amigo del Rei Momo. Después si combinamos el encotre, yo digo si!!!

Gracias y hasta luego

Rex Momo 22:19, 26 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

Muito obrigado pela pronta resposta. Acho que não sabia que falabas português. Disculpa-me, mais o meu português é primeiramente mais europeu que brasileiro, e viene sobre tudo das musicas que eu canto, e é possible que não seja muito bó. Uma reunião en Roma seria uma grande idea. Quiças en setembre ou outubre é milhor, assim que ainda ha tempo. Lo que queremos fazer, ou lo que seria o milhor, é uma reunião de dous ou três dias en Roma, fazer una jantada ou cena e tambem visitas turisticas. Nada complicado. Paresce-te bem? (Si non intellegas sermonem pessimum lusitanicum meum, Latine hanc rem vertere possum)--Xaverius 00:17, 27 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)
Bueno, soy yo que pido desculpas, porque hablo una sopa de castellano y Portuguès, el Portuñol, ah ah ah. Tiengo entendido todo lo que escribistes. Para el janta, np hai problemas, pois tiengo tb amigos donos de una adega-restaurante bien popular, IL FONTANONE, en la Plaça Fontanone de Trilussa. Là se come muy bien, à un preço bastante bom, por uma ciudad capital como Roma. Para la hospedagen, seria bueno el Pensionato San Paolo.

Otimo para sietembro, en final de semana, viernes, sabado y domingo, eh? Tienes visitado el site de la mi amiga Arqueologa?

Hasta luego

Rex Momo 16:15, 27 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

Un fin de semana seria ideal. 4/5 ou 11/12? Agora só fa falta saber quienes queren ir. Tuda a discusão agora melhor na pagina do encontro.--Xaverius 18:21, 27 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

Pitzilemum[recensere | fontem recensere]

Por favor, ayúdame en lo que puedas respecto al artículo. Hay algo de informacion en el wiki español e ingles. Gracias :) --MisterWiki 03:52, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

Antes de nada, los ab y los abs que has puesto no funcionan así. ¿Querías decir "... de algo"? Porque en ese caso, tienes que usar el genitivo. Por otro lado, también deberías buscar un nombre latino documentado para el lugar, porque no se puede inventar.--Xaverius 11:14, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)
No, no inventé el nombre. lo saqué de la página sobre la Región de O'Higgins. Suponía que debía ser así. Cómo será el nombre en latín??? :P --MisterWiki 19:16, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)
Cur Pitzilemi, -orum, contra Pitzilemum, -i, cum vox Hispanica sit Pichilemu? IacobusAmor 20:09, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)
Nescio, Iacobe. Etiam ignoro fontem pro nomine loci. Iacobe, puto "Pitzilemi" errorem a MisterWiki nostro esse. Certe (sed nescio si recte) Pitzilemum est. Usor ignotus qui paginam de regione primo scripsit fortasse nomen finxit.
MisterWiki, no debías haber hecho el cambio al genitivo en el título ni en el nombre de la página, pues esos deben de ir en nominativo. Deshice ese cambio ya.--Xaverius 21:08, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)

OK. --MisterWiki 21:51, 30 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC)